Jacki G Celebrations is currently closed for future bookings.


We appreciate your interest and support, and we will update our website once we are ready to accept new reservations. Thank you for your understanding.


0403 231 922

Marriage Celebrant Toowoomba

Renewing Your Vows

Yes, we still do!


Perhaps you've made it to 2, 5, 10, 25 or 50 years together and you want your friends and family to know that you'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. Maybe you want to reaffirm your commitment to each other after a difficult period in your relationship. There's no wrong reason to renew.


​A renewal of vows ceremony is one that will enable you to re-affirm the commitment you made to each other. You can renew your vows at home, on the beach, in a pretty garden, in a nice park, on a mountaintop or on a cruise. In short, you can renew your vows anywhere that has sentimental meaning for both of you.


​You might choose to have an intimate reaffirmation, inviting just close family and friends or you might want to throw a large party for your extended family and a wider circle of friends. Regardless of the reasons, location or size of your ceremony, I would consider it an honour and a privilege to officiate at such a special occasion.

Jacki G Celebrations

ABN: 58 298 664 841

Mb: 0403 231 922​

PO Box 1217 Toowoomba Qld 4350

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